
Monday, May 23, 2011

One fine day.

"The picture was taken, as he poses shamelessly in the concrete tunnel on the big rainy storm."

After a week off, im back to the ocean again, meeting new waves of young pirates who wants to learn the skills to fight in the sea. The day started of with a big welcoming rain on the way to headquarters. Gosh, it really made my day, appearing that the jetty with wet jacket and a pair of wet socks. After settling down, i gave a long briefing,*yeah, ironically, a brief which is not that brief* to my 1st division pirates, telling them the necessities in order to get a good sail. I feel that I've caused them much confusion looking at the blank look on the face.

"At this moment, im thinking about the undone shoes that is already left untouched for 1 week.Just missing some golden lines..."

The noon sun approaches strong, making feel like pointing a middle finger to the clouds for drenching me in the morning when the weather is supposed to be sunny. I am but a practical joke to the solar system.

Waiting at the deck was General Inevitably Noob who came to pick me up for some miniature seafood oriental dish. The moment our eyes met, feelings starts to flood in, a great sense warmth and happiness filling the atmosphere As usual G.I.N has a fetish of picking out all the prawns and give it to me. She has a phobia of prawns eversince she battleship got attacked by a Giant Lobster during the 1818 Atlantic Ocean War.Guess it still haunts her till this day.

A moment out with her really makes the day beautified.
it's an experience like no other,

She's my cup of tea,
my can of ice cream soda,
and my bottle of heineken.

Drink up~

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