
Friday, August 19, 2011

Romantic August the 19th

It's been a long time ever since i post something on this blog.

It's been an even longer time i posted something positive on this blog.

It's been a...okay, i was juz kiddin, I just want to jot down these simple yet meaningful details that I've went through today.

 I was grumpy as hell as i was so late, boost my way up to 80kmph on a slow moving traffic, pushing my disc brakes to their limits everytime a car engaged. The day got worse when the weather was so harsh on me, tormenting me with the heaviest downpour transforming me into a wet, but ugly puppy.

While i was stomping my way to find a shelter, i heard a weak sound calling my name despite the heavy rain drops interrupting my ear drums. Standing there, was a girl in white sailor T, underneath an umbrella. She took a glance at me with sympathy, worrying that i will catch a cold with my drenched outfit.

Despite the bad weather and my unkempt condition, she chose to continue spending her day with me. I admit that i was a little hesitant to spend the day with her because of how inconvenient things are going to be with my flooded shoes and trousers. Replacing my shirt with my "jackcoat", i was walking along the mall with a bare chested outfit throughout the journey. She got me 2 nice graphic tees, with a swipe of her card, without hesitation or consideration on the 10% processing charges that follows by.

Trust me, that this is the first time that i wore a pair of jeans that fits, and looked as good as this. Call me ridiculous or what, but on that moment, ironically, i felt that this is the first time i had a relationship that fits, Gin that fits :P

On the other hand, there was this milk tea that i wanted her to try for a very long time. I know that it has a taste that will make her smile, and feel sweet in the heart. A drink worth spending on, as long as it makes her smile again. Indeed, she liked it, and finished almost 80% of it, in fact, she never really took her lips off the straw, which was pretty cute to me :D:D:DD

Soon, the rain calmed down and the night lurks into the darkness. I was surprised when the composition of tenors, sopranos, counter sopranos, alto, bass and baritones blends so well, making a song feels so divine and meaningful. What surprises me even more is that, i can clearly hear her voice, word by word coming out from her lips, despite the loudness of the whole choir. Her angelic voice definitely soothes the heart of this worn out man that night.

Before we part, she hugged me and said "We are not getting any better". What was registered in my brains, was her voice tone, the tone that tells me " We are both hurt. I love you, i really do, do you feel me?"

That feeling was further enhanced, when our lips met,

which left me the message of " lets meet again soon"

and our last gesture of love was,

waiting for me to leave safely even when she is in a rush,

and i honked her to cover up her boots

we bid farewell,

it was a happy day baby.

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