
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Perfect Two

Recently, I've discovered a very significant experience in my life. It's a discovery of what love can do to a person, and how a person is able to do it for love.

Flashing back, i was attracted to this girl who has an enthusiastic and cheerful personality. She has a generous will to learn and appreciate things differently.Despite the perception on the high standard requirements that I've gave others, it was so easy to fall for such a girl.

With a wide range personality clicks, I feel that, there are high chances to have a beautiful & fun relationship with this girl.So i decided to give love a chance (after a ridiculous incident) and expressed my love to her. Amazing how life works sometimes, she felt the same, and we got together after.

So off we go, on a good start, sharing lots of things about each other, she is a keen listener, and fun person to talk with. We share our deepest and darkest secrets as well as the significant things in our lives. We had our first kiss , with a photography taken, in a tunnel which lights were reflected by nature surrounding us.

She was expecting her first kiss to be one that will drain her soul away, but it wasn't as impactful as she expected. Few weeks past, she turned from a virgin kisser, to a phenomenal one. There rise the passion, and also some other things that we didn't want to have.

Arguments came in bit by bit; clashes of thoughts and principles, impatience and lack of sensitivity all contributed to the negativity of that moment. Some problems are amplified by pride and ego. Some things starts to make us feel that we are not good enough. Some things makes us feel like we are taken for granted. Some things even make her felt like we are incompatible and not meant for each other. Things feels like it's going to fall apart every time we argued.

We tried to hold on and compromise, we made promises and try to talk things through, but somehow, the problem arises again. We started to get bored of the arguments cause of it's repetition. There are times where we left each other for awhile, and came back passionate again, but arguments starts to rise again. Scars were left all over, and it's just too hard to hold on.

That night, it started to rain as we burst out on a really big fight that would have break us apart, if ego and pride still takes control. After that night, things changed. Hard feelings which i thought would never cease, starts to heal day by day with the changes that she has made for me. She does not only let go off her pride but  she starts to care with sensitivity. She opens up her mind to a lot of things that she was afraid to go for or do not want to. She changed. Like how i changed. We changed, and molded perfectly into one.

Don't be mistaken by the word perfect here. The relationship between us is perfect, not because we will never argue anymore, but its about how understanding and positive change will take place if we ever meet obstacles again. The girl I'm with now, is a girl who is passionate about the things she wants to achieve in life, and even more passionate when it comes to us. I will never feel like i am striving for love alone anymore because i have her.

This girl, is a symbol of hope, as she fought against stubbornness for love.

A girl who is capable of making me smile in an instance, no matter how sad i am.

The girl, who made me a man.

The girl who completes me, and made us the perfect two.

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