
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Time Forgets, Mike Doesn't

Time Forgets-Yiruma playing from my new laptop as i am typing in this solitary Saturday night. My PC's hard drive died, taking away my important files like,my degree portfolio work, my 2010 collection of photoa albums, and installers. I tried a lot of things, and they dont seem to work. Neither do i want to do anything about i for now.

These 2 days was so silent that, i felt such a great void inside. It's like a person just dissolved into thin air, and you can never hear about them anymore. I still remember that, the moment i hugged her along the pavement and refuse to let go, it was for fun, to have us laughing before parting. Come to think of it now, i don't think that i hugged her enough. In fact, i shouldn't even have let her go. Now, all i have in the mind is a missing presence, i want to see this person so much that, i start to feel like time is fooling with me.

I thought i could do things. I thought i could get busy. I thought i could go out and play. In fact, i wanted to go out for a drink with my old school mates in Kepong. But im sitting on the bed, cheering myself up with mom's tiramisu, accompanied by the piano melody of a korean love song.

What are you eating for the past 2 days? I bet the games must be so fun that, you've forgotten to eat. Or maybe it was so energy consuming that, you will eat more than usual. Are you having prawns and rice? Did you make any noob moves again and injure yourself? I hope there's someone who keep a good eye on you there.

Since everything in my PC is gone, i got nothing to do, watch, edit, i can't even view back those pictures of us. How cruel eh?

Yiruma's piano makes me reminisce bout us again and again, i think i have to stop facing the comp now, and start painting or something. Oh wait, i'm tired. I need to sleep.

But i can't sleep.

I miss you.

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