
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Year End Post

Considering that, i've been occupied by many new events in my life, I've always been to tired to post on this blog...




Alright, fine, im lazy....-____-

This year has been a year of change, there is a lot of changes that has been brought into my life, changes that made me a happier and better person.

As typical as things are, work and relationship played the biggest role in the transformation of my life this year. Through work, i have met new people. People who are generous in sharing knowledge, and people who make me learn things that motivate and inspire me to improve.

There are also people who are highly experienced, which shows me a clear distinction between their mind compared to mine. Encountering people like them, made me realize and be conscious about what level i am in now, and that i shall never stop growing.

Life is not a fairy tale in work place. Despite the fun and energy when dealing with students, there are a lot of people who likes to take advantage and divert your focus away from your main objectives. These are nothing but challenges to me, as in to deal with them, as a growing process of life.

LOVE, who would know that one silly & shameless question could actually mark a significant point of change into our lives. It is going to be a year together soon. Life was an adventure with this girl. I learnt how to adapt and open up my mind to new varieties of taste and activities that I've never done before. I start to learn and experience things that made me realize this world is more than what we think it is. Despite the times she gets hard headed, and we start to argue about things: down to the tiny bits of detail down to the core. Through that, i have develop a new ability: to really listen and reflect on what are the mistakes i have done, taking away defensive explanations and justifications.

This girl has definitely made me more than what i was within 1 year; it has been real and honest. We definitely get ourselves in a new level of understanding on what we need, and what relationship is to us, there is no promise in the future no matter how we express it, but we do know that at the end of the day, 

"Love can be as simple as making each other smile"

Nobody said it was easy.The simpler the meaning of love, the harder for it to initiate.Disagree? read and re-read till something sparks in your mind :)

Hope 2011 will be a chapter that strengthen our bonds beyond our imaginations :)

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