
Friday, May 20, 2011

5 Things a girlfriend shouldn't tell a boyfriend. by MIKEDOT T, ORIGINAL FROM MA BRAINS.BITCH

There's always better ways of saying things but some people just loves to screw things up just because of a momentary glory. This is my version of 10 things a girlfriend shouldn't tell a boyfriend. It might sound harsh, but believe me, it was a experience worth laughing at the end of the day.

#01 The All Knowing Genius
Boy: Hey dear, did you know that the news.....
Girl: I know i know i know!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~you don't have to tell me kayy...i already know*show bitchy face*
THE VERDICT:DID YOU JUST SHUT YOUR BOY UP?HE's TRYIN TO SHARE SOMETHING WITH YOU AND THIS??YeahYeah, god has bestowed you with ample intelligence and knowledge. But sometimes, you just don't know: sit , shut up and listen bitch. Let yo boy finish what he gota say before you conclusively think that you know. 

IMPROVEMENTS: Listen, even when u think you know it, if it's exactly something you know, then good, you've confirmed your intelligence. If you know more than that, bring it out and discuss, and you will have a good conversation with your boy, and better yet, he'll get impressed by you over and over again.

#02 The Egoistic instant Feedback
Guy: *Insert advice that is hard to tell.*
Girl:You make me feel like you're my father / pastor or something~
THE VERDICT: WHAT THE FUCK? the guy cracks his brains and tries to tell things in a nice way and hope that it will improve something and all you say is THAT???

IMPROVEMENTS: Open up, and stop being defensive, if it sounds like your father, it must be something important..so...just....stop being a bitch.

#03 Making it big.
Girl give guy food
Boy took a bite
and da next thing ya know

VERDICT: All right, all right, maybe its ma fault, but over reacting like that? Im rude coz i ate the food that u put right on ma hands? I remember buying you food not for display but for you to eat it while its hot. Isin't it the same when after i bite, you bite it? what u mean biting it at the same time?Are we gona bite all the twisties together the next time we eat it?

IMPROVEMENTS: Rude is just not the word dear. Food is for eating. The purpose of buying it in the first place, is to eat together, no matter who takes the first bite. Don't argue about food, it's childish. Just don't over react, talk with a smile, it works better.

#04 The Threat of Pride
GIRL buys clothes for Guy
*at cashier counter*
Girl: Are you happy or not?
Boy: Hap-
Girl: If you're not happy im not gona buy it for you
Boy: O___O

THE VERDICT: Your boyfriend has been through so many shopping sessions with you, buying tons of clothes and gifts and did he ever said something like that? I wonder....

IMPROVEMENTS: He's not a kid, don't treat him that way. A gift from you touches the heart, but the words that comes with it, ruins all the effort you originally put up.

Guy did a mistake (big/small)
Girl: YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOW *insert things that he really don't know sometimes*

THE VERDICT: A little bit of patience goes a long way my hun. Sometimes we make mistakes, telling us that we should have know is like rubbing it in. It's like you write something in a wrong spelling, and u realized it, and wanted to correct it, and meanwhile ur annoying classmate come and tell you, hey you should have know that the right spelling is like this, so then you do not need an eraser. Just gime the damn eraser dammit

IMPROVEMENTS: Empathy plays a really important role here, someone has done wrong, felt guilty and wanted to change. What they need is encouragement and motivation to correct the wrong, not more and more blames. It's just annoying.

No matter who is wrong, by the end of the day one should calm down and give in no matter who is right or wrong. More importantly we try to talk our heart out,and solve those problems with respect, a vital element of a relationship.

Everyone wants to buy a car, but do not want to learn how to maintain it,
Same goes to a relationship, people want all the goodness from it,
But never want to go through the problems when time comes.

Humans are selfish, they look at the importance and significance of what they stand.
If they open up and listen, a lot will be realized, 
as love is not just about
all the good stuffs.

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