
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Clearer vision, step out view


"We all have dreams, big dreams that we keep under the bed and left forgotten, only to find it one day on our bed when we are old.."

After the whole talk about figures and numbers, and persuasive ways of getting to your dreams which sounds too good to be true, those are situations that happens, only when everything happen in the most ideal way. What are the odds?

Mr Ooi said " No harm finding out what is it all about"

I talked to Farha, and she told me that she was in it before, but she quite later on because of the push they give in to fit certain quota. She said the products are of good quality but there is a need for a lil hard work in it.

The temptation for me was simple: I am still young, and Rm89 will be paid for "following a business man for internship to learn the ways of business, to open up my view, for a good experience." and also " to get to know more people, of different job, to build connection for future business opportunities"
Which means, even if im not doing that business, but at least i know a sum of people, who might be rich one day, doing projects and renovating their houses, shouldn't be that bad right?

In other words, RM89 to build a connection/business network for my future interior design firm sounds pretty good.

In other words going for a roller coaster ride of the business world, with an emerald as a tour guide, for that price, is quite worth the experience.

Spoken to Claire, and she also said the products were really good as well, just that it's a little more expensive. She told the experience from her part, which is about the seminars they attend, and the mom is more of a consumer.

At these point, i was really fickle minded, 

and all i need was a person to pay for my ride, as a kick start. I want the experience but i am stingy to pay for the ride. That is me, the poor minded , the indecisive.

Went home, and i talked to love. Love told me about her bursting passion for a blogshop, it was really exciting, and i felt that it would be nice if i aid in the areas where my expertise can be used. If i really generate great income from that business, perhaps i can fund her passion in blogshopping too! :D

She asked about my day, and i told her halfway. I did not get to go to the part where i was afraid, fickle, and fragile. I did not talk about my skeptic point of view and my temptations. I did not get to do so because, i have projected an image that i am totally believing that this would work and that i am already blinded with all the projection of dreams created by the people who i met this afternoon at HQ..


it's 2am

and i am still here


no conclusion.only insecurities to share, with my own shadow........why me.

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