
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Another Phase to go

Despite being the latest to hand in the proposal, our department was the first to execute the plan and transformed our room right on time enabling us to leave early on that night. It was one of the most hectic event of my life, trying to co-ordinate the plan while being major part on the production. On top of that, i was chosen as the MC of this year's graduation night. Farha invited me to be her Co-MC, but ended up spraining her leg on the last hour, leaving me alone, with my guts on stage. There was no rehersal, it was all impromptu. Technical glitches on the sound system makes everything even worse. Things were rescheduled so frequent that it renders the script useless. Versatility and spontaneousness is the 2 best character that summarizes my experience that night.

Me on Lecturer's Cape. Feel so mighty awesome with it

Before and.....
After! Room is transformed into an ID OPEN DAY GALLERY~

So, here we go, so much planning just for 2 days of exhibition and we gota strip that off, and what is worse? we are going to put it back : / again next weekend. This is absurd.

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