
Friday, March 11, 2011

Forget not

Finally, i managed to execute the plan and gave her a birthday she will never forget! :D

Can't believe that, it took around 3 months to plan and prepare for something that is going to happen on just one single day. I will not deny that, it took a lot of determination when it comes to times where some part of the plan seems to be not working, or some de -motivations from external source and so on. There was also a need to find a balance between the plan and work. Every day after work, i am usually exhausted, but i will take a cold bath to wake myself up for some time, look at the plan, and try to make the presents piece by piece. Some things that i need to prepare, falls behind schedule, and i will have to compensate it with another day.

There were also a couple of arguments involved while i was in the preparation of this plan. Sometimes, i tend to reply slow, and sometimes i tend to sound like i am out of focus, and i could not reveal to her that, i was doing something for her. It was a rather great challenge and i think, i've learn a couple of new things along this birthday plan.

I now realize that, there is a lot of things that will not go your way, and that you always need a plan b, or at least, an alternative to replace parts of your plan.

I also realize that, when you are determined to make something happen, no matter how short the time you have, or how bad the situation seems, if love is your driving force, you will be able to make it.

I also learnt that, no matter how much a person makes you unhappy that time, all you need to focus on is, to deliver what you've promised yourself, and that, on that day, it is going to be a good day.

On the day i executed my plan, she was really surprised and did not know what was coming next. I've created a multiple layer of surprise that would not be so easy to decipher and figured out within hours. Or else, this 3 month plan, would have gone to waste.

Also thanks to my girl, for believing in me, and letting me take charge of everything that day. Or else, it would have been a big mess.After all this babbling, i think the person who read this is going to be quite impatient, wondering what the hell am i talking about, so yeah, the story starts like this. The night before her birthday, her siblings executed operation "sticky ninja" successfully, giving her the biggest surprise she ever had when she opened her eyes.From the feedback of her siblings and herself, it was something that cheers her to euphoric levels :D.
On her birthday, I was having a full class tutorial.Therefore, i was only able to have dinner with her after work............LIES :p
I moved the assessment to the next day, enabling me to appear on the afternoon and surprise her. Her friend overdid the inception and gave her such a big idea she was looking forward to, till a point when i appeared, she wasn't really happy and called me to get back to work. I was a little upset, but the plan shall not be ruined just like that. So i stick to the plan, and despite her being a little bitchy and unhappy, i know that, there is something big i've planned for her, and she has to experience it. At this moment, i have a self doubt " Should i just let her hang out with her friends, so that she will be happier? Is my plan something that I thought is something that will make her happy, but the fact is,it might not be what she really wants?"

Despite all doubts, i grabbed her, and off we go to the next spot. It was a rather frustrating drive to the restaurant, i tried to bring her there without letting her know where it is, but failed. At this point, i felt a little stupid because i should have test drive that location before even executing the plan. But i was too occupied with work and was too tired.*bad excuse, i know*

I finally tell her the venue, and she asked her friend who lives nearby.Thanks to her, we reached that place, quite late, but still available. My friend Michiko, was kind enough to spare us a private tatami room, and made her chef produced an artpiece : The mini sushi cake. I was surprised by how "mini" the cake was, it was bigger plate than the sushi set we ordered. What's best, we got it for free! That was really something that blew my girl's brain off, and seriously, i am thankful to Michi & Chef for lending their hands into doing this. It's a blessing, and may they be blessed for their good will.
In the room, there were a couple of games we played, it was the highlight of the day because that were the things i was planning and preparing for the past few months. From silly games like, in "7 ways show me that you love me without uttering a single word" to romantic ones like the "tongue twister". I believe that, the moments in the room would be the most unforgettable moment of our lives, as we stay together.
After that fine fine dining, we drove to Bangsar where another ambush was about to be initiated. On the way, i showed her the video compilation that I've managed to complete a night before. On the night before, she was complaining about my reply speed, and i couldn't really explain to her. So she got all the license to bitch that night. Back to the part that, she was watching and smiling at the video and all of a sudden i hear a sulk. I tossed by head to the left, and saw tears rolling down her eyes,uncontrollably. On that instant, i told myself that

 " The only girl who would feel for this simple compilation of visuals,is the girl who truly feels for me, definitely the choice of my wife to be."

It was after that we landed at BSC, and i was not able to control the situation well. I was out of games, and there was too much time before everyone was ready for ambush. I did not planned for this! It was due to the request she told me a few days before " I would like to celebrate with my friends all around me". The moment i hear that, my heart was crushed, because i sense a threat to my months of planning. But not to be selfish, i insist to myself that, "If this is what it takes to make her happy, i will make it happen."

Therefore, on last minute, i created a group and adding the closest friends she has. Some was not able to make it, but it was no force. I want it to be a positive thing, as positivity will bring good luck into this plan. For this girl's plan, i even trusted luck.pfft....so un-mike

As unprepared as i am, I tried to drag the time by walking her around the mall. The momentum kinda went down, and she was all gloomy and moody. I had no one to turn to, i am left with myself to face this moment. I kept questioning myself " What did i do wrong in the whole plan? Why is this girl so down? Is there something else she wants for her birthday?Was i on the wrong track?" No matter how i question myself, i know it doesn't help at that moment. I kept myself focused on making her feel that she should cheer up for her birthday. Maybe she just wants to celebrate with friends, and i took that off from her :(

So in the end, i was able to raise her level of cheerfulness by a bit, and tried to play the blindfold game with her. She has already expected that there will be people surprising her, but i don't care, because the real question is "WHO?"

She will never guess that, the moment she opened her eyes, there were not only sunday school close mates, but also a group of college mates appeared. I am sure that the people who attended that day, was totally out of her scope of imagination. Thanks to the people who attended, she was really cheered up that night, and the gifts we a sign of love and generosity. The way these people give and celebrated her birthday, tells me only one thing. 

"It's a reflection of how she treats people, and that the people loves her"
So it was complete, FOOD, GIFT, LOVE, & FRIENDS. i gave her everything she wished for this birthday. Alright, maybe not everything she wished for, but i guess it was pretty complete for a short day. I was proud that, i wasn't being too selfish about the plan and give a slot to friends to come in, and cheer her up. In fact, i think because the friends came in, her birthday was really complete, and it really left her smiling for the rest of the night. Thanks to the beautiful friends, who is there for her, and save the moody situation where we were in.

I am tired,
 i am exhausted,
 but i was the most
 contented being
 on earth that night.
It was all about her,
 it was all for her, 
and i've learnt 
to be the most 
selfless person 
and made my biggest 
act of giving that night.

Swear to god,


I know i might be exposed to the risk of being put on a higher expectation and might dissapoint one day. But for all that i know, this is a day that she should 

forget not.

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