
Friday, January 1, 2010

Letter to an Ami étroit

And so it is...
I'm glad that we gave it a tried,
because it give us clarity to know who we really are to each other.
I did not regret any single bit of the time spent.
In fact, it leaves a beautiful footprint of a friendship that no one has ever have.
To get into a roller coaster ride, and come out safe and unchanged is a rare case.
No doubt there will be cuts and bruises,
But these cuts and bruises will remind us of how 2 close friends can hurt and injure each other,
and their relationship as friends were

If a friendship is weak, it will be like a tree, easily affected even by the wind. A strong friendship is like a mountain, unshaken, and almost unmovable.

You and i. Moving Mountain :)

Glad to have you, playing a meaningful role in my life.

Ami étroit

1 comment:

  1. aint no mountain high enuf!
    aint no valley low enuf!

    ever grateful to have u in my life too.
    love ya loads!

    somewat feels tat the song 'at the beginning' suits this situation alot =)
